Thursday, November 26, 2015

Missing my Grandpa

I thought I saw your old, plaid shirt
Through the window of your front door--
But you were not there--
instead a memory met me, fresh, and surpising me
with its quick pain.

I thought I saw your cool blue eye
twinkle 'cross the room
but you were not there--
instead another's eyes met me, blue as well,
but not yours, with no hint of jest or song.

I thought I heard your slow-steady words
tangled in the air of conversation
but you were not there--
instead an echo met me, dear and sweet--
may I never forget the sound!

Dear Grandpa, I missed you today.

In memory of Elwood Maloy, 1933-2015

Monday, August 10, 2015

On the Street Today

Here's another one from Spring 2008.

On the Street Today

I come into the sun
From the florescent light 
Of a windowless inside
The air blows the trees
And pushes my hair 
Across my face
I can smell the city
It is not fresh
It is not clean
But I smell it and smile
Because it blows 
On a warm wind again. 

I am ready to face the world today. 

A Fountain, A World

I wrote this in Spring 2008. It's one of my favorites (if a writer is allowed to have favorites).

A Fountain, A World

They scream, delighted terror,
And the water from out the ground leaps and lands
On small shoulders and bare feet. 
The smallest ones stand still, 
Unaware of their soaked bodies or their mother’s cameras,
While older ones chase the jumping waters or run away. 

When the water hits them, they cry out
And their cries bring laughter inside me
Which I struggle to keep silent.
But why should I not laugh?
This is their universe.
This short hour, this water is all--
They leave the world with their shoes on the stairs, and forget them. 

A childish fancy takes me 
And brings me into their world as I walk by.
In my mind I am prancing in the water with them,
Cares forgotten. 
Wounds healed. 
Joy conquering all